6164 Salem Road | Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
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Celebrating 40 Years With Mark Banchy!
January 25, 2024
Where were you on January 24, 1984? I was probably in a 4th grade classroom. Mark Banchy was beginning his employment at the Residence at Salem Woods. On January 24, 2024, Mark celebrated his 40th work anniversary at the Residence at Salem Woods! Forty years of service – and still counting! – at one location is absolutely amazing! Mark has faithfully served the residents and team members at this location all these years.
We never pass up an opportunity to celebrate events around here. Mark’s amazing service record is one of the best excuses I can think of to have a celebration brunch. Mark’s mother, sister, and niece came to help celebrate Mark; his love for his family and their love for him is something special to behold. We served breakfast foods catered from IHOP and presented Mark with a special gift. He deserves all the accolades and more.
I have been at Salem Woods for about two years now. I have had the great pleasure of getting to interact with Mark almost daily. He’s one of the most faithful, honest and reliable team members I’ve worked with in over 20 years of my career. You can set your watch by him arriving to work consistently at 4:00 AM. If he finds a penny in the laundry, he turns it in to me in hopes that we can return it to its owner. He will put whatever money he finds in an envelope and write as much information as he can on it, sometimes he’s even able to identify the resident it may belong to. He knows the residents and their clothing that well.
Mark and Salem Woods' Administrator, Brain Coffey.
We are honored to have Mark continuing to serve our community. No one knows the future, of course, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a 50-year celebration in 2034 for him! Whatever time we have remaining with Mark, he has been, is and always will be a blessing to us!
Brian Coffey, Administrator
News & Events
Love Lives Here at Salem Woods
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Celebrating 40 Years With Mark Banchy!
We thank Mark for his commitment and longevity at Salem Woods!
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